Corporate Social Responsibility
At Master Group, we ensure that our business developments do not come at the expense of the environment and local communities. We work very closely with locals in surrounding villages of Master Wind Energy Limited and Master Green Energy Limited to understand their problems and provide sustainable solutions. Our Major initiatives under CSR, includes providing water supply, employment, education and community infrastructure.
Our Goal
Our GOAL is to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts of business operations on internal and external stakeholders.
Major Themes Covered Under MWEL CSR Initiatives

Heighlights - CSR Work
- Our power plant is 100% renewable energy and Environment (ISO 14001) & OHS (ISO: 45001) certified
- RO Filtration Plant installed for provision of clean water to locals of adjoining areas as well as to our employees
- Concrete Water storage tanks built in 5 nearby villages for domestic use
- Regular medical camps arranged for locals of nearby villages
- Full-time free ambulance service to serve three neighboring villages
- Training sessions conducted to raise awareness regarding Covid - 19
- Complete rehabilitation of School
- Vocational Training Centre (VTC) set up, to train and empower local female villagers
- Creating employment opportunities for villagers as watchmen, guards, teacher, Imam for mosque
- Plantation Drive in adjoining areas